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Tips For Success
General Etiquette
Within every correspondence, every email or while chatting, please do not forget to treat each other respectfully and courteously. The issue „young woman – mature man" might lead to several misunderstandings during communication just due to the age difference.
Thus, a polite behaviour is particularly important. In case somebody does not adhere to this and even insults or verbally harasses you, please report the corresponding profile (using the report function next to the profile) and add this member to your „Ignore Member" list. This person will not be able to contact you again.
What can a young woman expect from dateyoungladies.com ?
At GDG mature men mainly seek young women. Most gentlemen belong to the group of „above-average-earners". The rate of graduates is very high. You will find many doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers, entrepreneurs, professors and millionaires / independent gentlemen at GDG. All these men (many of them already divorced) search a young woman. In most cases they know better than younger men how to treat a woman and how to make her happy. These men handle life and love more relaxed and content due to their greater experience of life.
What can a mature gentleman expect from dateyoungladies.com ?
As a mature gentleman you will find exclusively young ladies under the age of 30 years.
What does that mean? A young women seeks a feeling of security, safety, experience and mental balance when looking for a mature gentleman. Mature men have many advantages in intuition, are more tolerant and have way better manners compared to younger men. At GDG young women are looking for these character traits of mature gentlemen. Some hope to find their partner for life, others are just looking for an entertaining relationship and fun.
Tips for first establishing contacts
What has to be considered when sending the first email to a strange person?
Young women rather like to be contacted than to take the first step for themselves. Thus, just like in real life, gentlemen often have to pave the way. As a gentleman please keep in mind, that a young woman is likely to receive lots of emails and maybe cannot or does not want to answer all men directly. Please be patient and do not write too much emails to the same lady. This might be considered as intrusive and might lead to the opposite of the desired effect (and maybe then you even will be added to the „Ignore" list of the corresponding person).
Content of the first e-mail
What exactly do you write to a strange person? The first problem arising is the type of contact.
How to contact a perfect stranger? Generally it is important that your language is polite and, if possible, mirrors your personality. If you are a casual and easy-going person, this should be recognizable in your email. However, formal language is never completely wrong. Please avoid exaggerated lines like „Hi Sweetheart" or „What´s up, Sweetie ?". Even „Hi Unkown" or similar lines are not obligatory adequate, as nearly everybody uses them. If possible, just refer to the profile name of the corresponding person.
Regarding the content of your first email it should not be too long as not many people take their time to read long texts of strangers in their entirety.
You should also beware of texts that look as they have been copied and sent to everybody. You should rather refer to the profile and picture of the person in question in an individual and charming way and write something about name, looks, profession or something similar.
After a positive response
You received a positive response to your email ? This is already a good sign.
Please do not interpret too much importance into a single email. Do not try to read too much into it. Do respond in an adequate time frame (neither wait too long nor answer right away) and stick to the language used in the first mail. React to the received text and don't try to ask for a date or a phone number right away. With a little luck you might make a charming acquaintance.
Tips for more success in seeking a partner
In case your search for a partner at GDG has not been crowned with success yet, we have listed a few additional tips for you:
1) Profile Photos
You have written to many persons, yet received only a few answers or quickmails (mails with pre-written standard phrases) ? This might be due to your photos. If you have no photos uploaded yet, you might should change this now. A good photo dramatically increases your chances for contact. Tip: You do not have to show every photo to everyone, GDG offers the possibility to make photos visible only to your favourites.
If you have already uploaded photos at GDG, you should check their quality. When photos are of minor quality, maybe taken with a cellular phone, you might consider pictures taken by a professional photographer. This does not cost very much but increases your online search chances for a partner. The first impression is one of the most important features in real life. Online there is also no difference. You just have more control of the first impression here than in „real life"
2) Additional Photos
Show other things not just yourself. Make yourself more interesting by showing maybe your house or apartment, your car or pictures from holiday trips. Photos with friends or acquaintances are very popular. This shows a potential partner that you are a sociable person.
3) Uploading Video / Audio
Maybe you have not noticed yet that beside pictures you can also upload audio and videofiles at GDG. In the last few years the technical possibilities for creating videos of yourself have been increased considerably, as most PCs or cellular phones offer functions. Make a video or simply record your voice and upload the results. If you do not exactly know how to do this, feel free to ask us. We will gladly assist you.
4) Better Profile Texts
There is a so-called „open array" when describing your profile at GDG, entitled „About Me". It offers the possibility to tell people about themselves. Please do not make this text too long, as nobody will read this in its entirety. Sarcastic texts are also not the best choice because they are likely to be misunderstood. Rather, highlight yourself briefly and write a few personal words about yourself and about which person you hope to find here.
5) Improve your „market value"
Even if it sounds silly: every person on the single market has his or her value. Go ahead and present your advantages but do not exaggerate thus looking like a bragger. This will not work. Do not talk about money and how much you make, rather show a picture of your house, your nice car or other things (see above in „additional photos"). As described above professional pictures of yourself are the best choice for „self promotion" to increase your market value.
6) Who to write to ? And how many contacts ?
It generally applies that if you find a person attractive to write him or her. Still, you should not become intrusive (in terms of content as well as the number of submissions). Especially men try to reach their goal by means of „quantity instead of quality", writing to hundreds of women using the same text. This does not lead to satisfying results. On the other hand, it is certainly true that if you do not get active not much will happen. And this applies particularly for men. Try to only contact persons you are really interested in contacting them as individually as possible.
Tip: Often try the "new members" area, since here you will find persons, who have not yet received many mails, which will definitely increase your chances.
Beware of cheaters
Unfortunately it might occur that women and sometimes men disguised as women, might ask male premium members for money. This money is reputedly needed for travel expenses, for a sick child, for unpaid rents or other emergency situations. Please pay attention ! In 99,9 % of all cases it is a form of fraud when a young woman, you do not know personally, asks for money ! Please NEVER transfer money to a stranger, no matter of which reason. If you meet such a person at GDG, please report this to us. We will delete this profile and will issue the corresponding order to stay away from our website.